The Center of Focus
Brides don't like that the focus shifts from her to the others. Well, you may know this for a fact, that it is a sure recipe for disaster. However, this wedding photographer thought to do things differently and focus his lens on the bridesmaid.
The bride will be particularly irked by the fact that while looking at the camera and looking all pretty, she may only get to know that later, her bridesmaid stole the show. Well, we think the bridesmaid can offer a bit of competition, as she looks stunning.
Married Couples Make Her Sick!
The wedding ends in a fitting finale when the man holds his wife and kisses her, promising each other a lifetime of happiness. The two are also totally into each other; however, the bridesmaid is not too much into their display of affection. Perhaps the bridesmaid is not too much into the romance of the wedding world. She is a complete, anti-romantic comedy.
The photographer is rather cheeky and clicks the photo at the opportune moment. Imagine the look on the bride and the bridegroom's faces when they see this photo. They won't find it amusing and may even consider Photoshop cutting her out of the picture.
Icky Kissing
While the bride and groom seal it with a kiss, the young bridegroom and bridesmaid look a tad bit embarrassed, especially the bridegroom hiding her face behind his hands. He is too embarrassed to even pose for the photo.
Well, the little guy may not be part of many weddings, so he is not used to adults kissing at weddings, but as they say, the little man's time will come too, sooner than he would realize. Till then, he can play the shy guy role to the hilt.
When Gravity Is Stronger
Couples usually take months to plan weddings. They have to plan everything to the last detail to ensure everything goes as per clockwork precision.
However, most wedding planners have to plan everything to the last detail, and something may crop up that may become a big blot in their wedding history. Imagine the bride's maid's disgrace when she is clicked in this photo, falling head over heels not in love but on the floor. We are sure she won't be flipping through the wedding album of her best friend anytime soon.
Groom Turned Bullfighter
When the groom promised his bride that he would protect her from every existing peril, he didn't know that he would have to do so in such a short time? We are sure the groom is not feeling like the superman here; his face reveals his fear as the bull expresses his rage at the opportune moment.
The bull may want to know a little about romance, and the only way to do it is to crash at a wedding. Almost as if it wants to star in the sequel of Wedding Crashers!
Itchy Nose
The little girl is digging away her nose merrily. She does not know whether she is the center of attention at the wedding. She is young enough not to care about it as the adults smile at her, enjoying her cuteness. That's the best part of childhood; you can get away with these little lapses of good behavior.
She does make for a cute little picture right in her pretty dress, a bouquet in hand with the bow prettily adorning her lovely hair. We should just let her be, enjoy these little interludes of innocence.
The Tables Have Turned
Here is the cute little moment captured by the wedding photographer while the breeze teased the veil shrouding the groom's face in the process. While the bride had a big laugh over the entire matter, the groom chose to take it to his stride and smile begrudgingly. The throaty laugh of the bride and the groom's impish grin makes for the perfect click, doesn't it?
Also, this way, the from gets a chance to feel what it seems like to cover their face with a veil. These are the candid moments couples look for and relish in their wedding albums many years down the line.
Save the Veil!
Instead of having a whale of a time at her wedding, she is there looking for her whale, err, we mean her veil. Of course, the groomsmen are right up there for the task as they use a ladder to catch the errant cover. We are wondering who will bring the veil down. We think the groom will turn out to be the knight in shining armor protecting his damsel in distress.
There were more straightforward methods available, like fetching another veil, but then the men here decided to take the more challenging route and bring that veil. Who does like to seem like a superhero at his wedding?
Yum Flowers!
The pug took this moment to bite into the fleshy flowers as the bride and the groom coochie-cooed at their wedding. Why should the bride and the groom have all the fun, so thought the pug? And his eyes, as large as saucers, ate the very edible-looking flowers.
The photographer caught the pug nibbling his way to the bouquet, and perhaps when he is done with the bouquet, the couple will only find the ragged ends of a once-beautiful bouquet. Well, each one making the best of the moment available to them.
The Levitating Bride
Have you ever felt levitating in the air? Well, marry, and on your wedding day, you may seem so light on your feet that it may seem like you are levitating? Of course, the feeling is unmatched, but how can you capture that moment? Please leave it to the photographer as he immaculately catches the light on the feet couple dancing in the air.
But, there is also the case of too much excitement making you move in the air, but now it is time for them to come down the earth and face the music, right?
The Missing Ring
Finding the ring on D-day is one of the most fun games the groom and the bride can indulge in. This can also be one way of improving the bond between the bride and the groom. But trust them into turning a good game into a blunder.
Although, the groom and his buddies are trying their best to find the ring that seems to have gone with the flow. Now, what could the groom do? Well, the only thing he could do was go on all fours and swim against the tide.
When The Table Gave Up
This couple may have chosen the perfect wedding cake for the wedding, and it is just too bad that it fell from the table and landed straight on the floor. The guests were all around dressed in their best gear waiting for the cake-cutting moment to happen. It was precisely the time when the delectable cake fell on the floor.
Their faces were a picture, and the bride even put her hand on her mouth to stifle a scream. We hope they had a cake on standby; otherwise, the guests wouldn't get to eat a piece of cake.
Waldo Has Finally Been Found
That's a nice group photo to click, and the bridegroom looks suave in their natty clothes while the bridesmaids look pretty in their dresses. Everyone is posing pretty, smiling away to glory with their bouquet. The groom looks handsome and stands out in the crowd.
The groom smiles from ear to ear, evidently excited because of his wedding day. No, one can beat the bright smile of the bride and groom, and we understand why. We are sure the couple had a memorable ceremony, and the final icing on the cake was this group photo that would be preserved for posterity.
The Best Photobombers in History
While the world is going on at its usual pace, the protagonists of the photo album are trying their best to click a photo. We can't quite understand why anyone would click a photo in the middle of the road. They took the term traffic stoppers in the literal sense.
But the photobombers here are way too cute to ignore. Yes, the way the dogs are sauntering away without caring about the wedding party deserves a photo to be clicked. The photographer did not lose the opportunity to click on the dogs going on their morning walk.
An A-meow-zing Photobomb
The bride and the groom have been waiting for this moment to kiss each other in the romantic setting, but the cat thought otherwise as it came right before the photographer was about to click the photo.
The cat doesn't care about this beautiful moment for the couple. It is more interested in staring at the lens and cock a snook at the photographer and his lens. Poor bride and groom had absolutely no idea about the cat stealing their thunder. They were caught in the moment, not wanting to go off each other.
The Centaur Bride
Looking at the photo will give an illusion that the bride is sitting atop a horse in all its finery. Almost as if the bride has horse legs for legs. The photo has a humorous take; instead, the photographer has a great sense of humor. It would leave the readers bursting into laughter when they see the photo.
Hopefully, the bride has a sense of humor; imagine being called the bride with horse legs, not fun at all, and that tail adds the extra dimension to the photo.
Gymnastics Gone Wrong
We entirely get the idea of the bride and groom expressing their joy by jumping into the air, but the bridegroom and the bridesmaid seem to be enjoying the moment much more than the man and the woman of the moment. So much so that the man is showing his gymnastics skills doing splits in the air, but he ends up hurting the bridesmaid, or so it looks.
The bridesmaid is not happy at being kicked, though the kick is enough to kill the excitement. We are sure the bridesmaid will have a few things to say to the overexcited man.
Not Confetti!
This guy had been planning all along for his wedding day. But the planning can go completely haywire if another man spoils the party, as this man did manage to throw the contents of his glass on who else but the groom himself.
The contents of the glass must have stained the groom's suit. Not only the groom but also the bride is in great danger as the liquid manages to spoil her dress too. We wonder whether an angry bride and a groom will beat the man on the side.
How This Little Girl Feels About The Wedding
Getting sick on a wedding day is not fun, but the poor little girl here felt ill and started puking on the father's shoes. She must also be feeling bad that she spoilt her daddy's shoes. But, the father isn't bothered about his boots; he is more concerned about his little girl.
We hope the girl didn't fall too sick. It would spoil their wedding. Well, the bride looks relieved that it was not her dress that got spoilt. The two boys looked a little concerned about the little girl too and surely hoping that the little girl would feel better soon.
Stop Horsing Around!
The bride and the groom never thought that the horse would seize away the spotlight in this way. Maybe the horse was enamored by the bouquet. He wanted to gobble the flowers on the first go.
Much to the anger of the bride and groom, the photographer clicked the photo right at the moment the horse was about to gobble the bouquet. The horse also had a cheeky look in his eye that looked rather cute. After all, the horse deserves its moment under the spotlight too.
A Look of Longing
The dreamy look on the bride's face is at an unknown man's physique. While she is going to get married soon to we are guessing a different man, looking at this man like that may seem like problems are already brewing in the lives of the soon-to-be man and wife.
However, we can think of this differently; the woman enjoyed a few moments of serenity before walking down the aisle. She may not know that the photographer got a cheeky photo of the bride while she was looking into the distance or at someone.
Catching Some Z's
The wedding day can be long and arduous; here, too, the man felt the effects of the wedding and seized the opportunity to catch forty winks. He didn't even mind sleeping on the shoulder of the bride.
Well, it was disappointing that the man could not stop his eyes from shutting on his own D-day. The guests looked at the groom strangely; how could he fall asleep? The bride would be disappointed too. Hopefully, the duo would be sorting the differences, and the bride won't take the incident to heart.
The Bathroom Mishap
That scene looks awkward, and the tastefully-done decor falls on the unsuspecting bridesmaid. It was a catastrophe as the three ladies with their intricate wear were trying to use the washroom, but suddenly the world almost appeared to crash.
Everything was going great as the girls were enjoying their "us" time in the washroom, giggling and gossiping. But, things turned wrong; we think who could have clicked their photo in such a compromised state? Whoever clicked the photo will be at the receiving end soon.
An Explosive Affair
How could the bride smile as the car they were using to reach their wedding destination caught fire? Those smoke coming out of the car seems pretty scary. The man must be feeling the heat as he looks glum. The man's reaction seems understandable. Who could be happy when their vehicle catches fire midway.
The groom must be wondering how he could get a vehicle in the middle of nowhere to reach his wedding destination on time. The bride didn't want to spoil the wedding photo, whatever may be happening in the background.
Footprints on the Gown
Kids are always caught on camera doing their own thing. Their never-ending shenanigans include stamping on the trail of the wedding dress, and the bride may not be exactly happy at the idea of the little boy treading on the path; what if she walks and the delicate trail gets torn.
The bride won't forgive the mother and the father who didn't discipline their child at the right time. She can't be very angry with the boy; he looks so cute. He seems to be in his world, clueless about photographers clicking on his naughtiness.
Getting Cozy
The bridesmaid is like, and I will not leave my bride-sister to come what may. Isn't the paw-some cuddly dog an adorable sight? The cutesy canine holds a bouquet and holds on to snugly at the trail of the best buddy.
The photographer couldn't stop themselves from clicking the perfect frame, making it an adorable sight. Could anyone play the role of the bridesmaid any better than this cute little pet? Loyalty, at this best, don't you think so? The bride depends significantly on her cute little friend; we understand why.
Someone Needs A Bathroom Break
Like all couples, this couple was expecting to click the perfect photo, but this dog, their pet, did not expect that the dog would consider this opportune moment to shit. What can you say, but when you have to go, you just have to go.
But the couple couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their pet shitting just when the camera clicked. No wonder the bride had hands on her head, and the man closed his eyes to forget what had just happened. The dog, however, hardly cares as long as he has been able to shit at the right time.
A Porta Potty Wedding
Is the man commitment-phobic? It certainly seems so, as the man is caught displaying varied moods behind the blue doors. The bride appears happy, posing prettily with her red hair tucked in neatly and a bouquet in her hand, complimenting her dress perfectly.
Why is he carrying his bride's dainty slippers? That's a question best answered by him. The man seems to be the perfect choice for the male version of the famous film Runaway Bride. It could be Runaway Groom since he seems anxious about what lies before him.
Red Speedos Are In!
Who could be happier than a man and woman on their wedding day? While they are now bound by holy matrimony and will enjoy their life now and forever, there is enormous happiness in being single and happy. It seems like the man is jumping in the background.
The man in the background shows that he may have just bought his new Speedos, so he jumps high in the air, looking happy and photobombing without a care in the world. The photographer intelligently captures the frame proving two things you can be happy staying single, and you can be comfortable getting married to the love of your life.
A Pear-y Cheeky Snapshot
If there were one, it would be another awkward photo, as the couple poses with their best smiles on display. But we are sure people will be looking at the two pears on the cake, which kind of steals the pretty bride's thunder.
It's time to cut the cake and let the bride have the glory! The bride's outfit matches the cake, so it's a rather pear-some way to celebrate your wedding. Always be on the lookout for cheeky photos; don't hesitate to click the best shot. Trust the photographer.