An Embarrassment Affair for Benjamin
Benjamin was shocked beyond words to see outside. He was dumbfounded and couldn't think why his neighbor would do this to him. His yard was now a sorry state of affairs, full of tires. They were suddenly eyesore of the worst kind and made the yard look awful. He couldn't get rid of the feeling of embarrassment.
However, there was a reason why the tires were there. Benjamin wanted to take revenge on his neighbor. Benjamin never thought that he would finally be able to seek revenge without getting to know his neighbor.
Your Regular Neighborhood Guy
Benjamin Smith was an excellent young guy the neighbors loved because of his simplicity and charm. This easy-going guy has a great rapport with everyone in the community and readily makes friends. He was serious about his job, that is, working as a carpenter, and was skilled in earning a reasonable income for himself.
He also cared for people and never thought that people would rub anyone wrong away. He was always nice to people; he expected something similar in return.
A Hard Worker
Benjamin had to work hard to maintain his livelihood. He spent all the money from his job as a carpenter to pay off the rent and the bills. He managed to do everything independently and never sought help from anyone.
Since he had to make both ends meet, he had very little money left after paying for all the expenses by the month's end. Even if he struggled, he didn't have any issues. He believed in hard work, which has helped him get where he is now. He also got respect and a good life for his hard work. But suddenly, things are changing for him.
He Noticed Something Unusual
Benjamin went for a walk around the town every morning. While he was walking around that he noticed something unusual came to his notice. The guy suddenly noticed that every street he visited was dotted with abandoned tires.
Benjamin may soon find out the implication of the whole thing. It was something that he had never witnessed before. Therefore, it was difficult for him to accept. However, all these scattered tires may soon benefit him.
He Got Hold of One
After he looked at what was there before him, Benjamin got hold of a tire and rolled it towards the house. The tire was quite heavy, and it was pretty cumbersome for him to move it around. But he tried to push it with all his might. As he continued to roll the tire to his house, the people continued to stare at him, not knowing what he was up to.
Some people started pointing at him. However, Benjamin ignored them and continued with his work. He thought that he would answer his queries later.
People Started Gossiping
As time passed, Benjamin tried to take the tires and drag them toward his home. He continued to stack the tires in a stack if tires in his backyard. People in town were curious about Benjamin and wanted to know exactly what was up with him.
The whole town was clueless about Benjamin's shenanigans. They couldn't fathom why they would stack up some dirty old abandoned tires in the backyard. It became a hot topic of discussion among themselves, but unfortunately, no one could come up with a concrete conclusion. However, Benjamin knew precisely what was happening.
His Yard was All Messed Up
Several weeks had passed since Benjamin had started stacking up the old and abandoned tires in his backyard. The space was not that big enough. But the stacking up of tires there made it look a lot tinier. The yard looked ugly.
However, that was hardly something that Benjamin was worried about. He believed he was storing the tires with a purpose, and the goal would be fulfilled one fine day. But a person was a bit worried about Benjamin's yard's condition.
His Neighbor Ridiculed Him
Benjamin's neighbor was Antony, who was always mean to him. When Benjamin started stacking up the tires in the yard, Antony did not like it. He was displeased with what Benjamin did and lost no opportunity to make fun of him.
Benjamin had built his life from scratch. His house was small, but he was always happy to live in it. However, Antony was the only person who was always making Benjamin feel terrible about his life. Although Benjamin tried to ignore his words of Anthony and his ridiculing remarks, sometimes the barb hit home.
Antony was Mean
Benjamin had to work his way to the top; nothing came easy to him on a platter. He came from a low-income family with a big struggle ahead of him to arrange food. He had no idea about luxury and didn't have any material possessions that would have him boasting about his wealth to everyone.
However, he never shied away from hard work and could afford whatever he needed in life. So, when Anthony continued to ridicule him for the size of his house, Benjamin wasfuriousy. He was proud of the fact that he had come a long way.
Time to Prove His Mettle
Anthony's mean words badly affected and inspired Benjamin to prove himself. While he continued to do his job as a carpenter, he sometimes would sneak away to do what he loved. Lately, he has spent more and more time creating his furniture in new and novel ways.
He found a little quiet time on a Friday afternoon and thought of a strategy. He started to work on it pretty soon, but no one knew what he was up to. Even Anthony didn't have a clue.
Benjamin's Creation Was Amazing
Benjamin worked hard the entire weekend and thought of sustainable ways to change people's perceptions of furniture. He created new designs that were made out of abandoned dirty tires. Finally, he was able to complete his work and had a feeling of accomplishment. He was finally happy that everything was falling into place.
Benjamin always had great in his creative designs, something that would render him speechless. He was excited about his plans and how they would change people's perception of him and his ability. He would feel validated when he saw the admiring faces of people who doubted his caliber.
The Finished Look Was Stunning
Benjamin had worked his magic on the old and abandoned tires. He had changed the look of tires and turned them into stools, tools, and armchairs; all t e furniture he created looked attractive and unique. The finished look had everyone gasping.
Benjamin was confident about his work, which was well received by everyone who saw it. A year had passed since Benjamin had started selling his items, and he made an enormous amount of money as opposed to his usual work as a carpenter. He faced considerable success but had no idea whether the success would last.
Envious of His Achievements
Benjamin had been too busy implementing his plans and creating something unique. He turned the things that nobody gave a second look and turned them into bold and beautiful l furniture, and he was so excited about the whole thing that he continued to chase his passion. All that while, he had no clue that someone was watching him closely and noticing his steady progress, and he wasn't too happy about it.
These people were quite the green-eyed monster to him. Benjamin completely ignored their reaction and kept on working hard.
Benjamin Creations Garners Immense Fame
Over the next two years, Benjamin found immense success with his creations. He won nationwide fame over his work. There was tremendous interest in his products. People from faraway places came to him hearing about his work and wanted to buy furniture from him.
As they say, business was going great till the evening. He was relaxing when someone knocked at his door. When he finally got up to open the door, he was shocked to see the person standing there. Why had the person come to his door? What did he want from him?
Antony At The Door
As Benjamin heard the knock, he was shocked to see the person standing there; it was none other than Anthony. Of course, Benjamin was not expecting him. It was Antony who stood there, and Benjamin was utterly dumbfounded.
His presence was not something that pleased Benjamin at all. Antony had constantly ridiculed him, so why was he standing at the door? Did Antony have any interior motive? Benjamin did not know that and was nervous ab ut the unexpected visit.
Antony Was On a Job Hunt
Antony's opening sentence surprised Benjamin; yes, Antony was looking for a job. Benjamin could almost pinch himself. Did he hear right? He tried to listen to him closely and tried to assess the situation.
S suddenly, Benjamin was feeling elated. When Benjamin was saying it in jest, Antony said he was serious and wanted to be a part o the business. Finally, Benjamin thought he had achieved so much that even his enemies had come to him asking for work.
Benjamin was Clueless
Benjamin heard all that Antony had to say, but he didn't have an answer to his problem. He had no clue as to what he had to do. Antony was the man who had constantly shamed and ןnsulted him, and all of a sudden, he was at his doorstep asking for a job. Should he shut the door and say no to his face?
While Benjamin was debating with himself, he also wondered whether he should give Antony the benefit of the doubt. Antony was in trouble here. Should Benjamin forgive and move on, or should he hold on to his anger and not answer his plea?