The Real Story Behind The Gorgeous Clements Twins and Their Rise to Fame
Ever heard of the Clements twins? If you didn't know, Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements are popularly known as the most beautiful twins in the world. These two little ladies started garnering the world's attention after their mom, Jaqi Clements, made and posted their photos on Instagram. That move proved to be a worthy investment because soon enough, the twins became more famous than ever before, with over 500,000 followers to boot. How exactly did they reach this level of fame at such young ages? Well, here's their story:
The Twins Were Premature Babies
When it comes to bringing life into the world, mothers want everything to be perfect, but that's not always the case. Jaqi, who was pregnant with twins, had to undergo surgery to deliver her babies on July 7, 2010, four and a half weeks before the estimated delivery date. The adorable twins, Ava Marie and Leah Rose, seemed to be eager to see the light of the world and finally feel the touch of their mother's skin. Their older brother and dad were also excited to meet them! Just when this family thought that they would live an ordinary and happy life together, fate had other plans for them, especially the twins.
People Were Amazed
As soon as the twins were born, close friends and family were in awe of Ava and Leah's beauty. Even as newborn babies, Ava and Leah exuded the kind of charm that took everyone's breath away. Jaqi's close friends and relatives saw potential in the twins, and they even suggested that Jaqi should sign them up in a modeling agency. Perhaps doing so could be a great investment for the future of her twins. She initially signed a contract when Ava and Leah were six months old but quickly changed her mind only after three months. After all, the twins were still far too young to be exposed to such a stressful work environment!
Back to Home, Back to Mom
Jaqi, along with her husband, focused on raising the twins and their brother, Chase Robert, properly so they could enjoy a wonderful childhood experience. Their investments paid off and their kids grew up in a loving home and a healthy environment. But the idea of a modeling career for her kids was always in the back of Jaqi's mind — she merely waited for the right time. The perfect opportunity came when the twins turned seven.
Lucky Number Seven
When Ava and Leah turned seven, Jaqi felt that that was the right opportunity to talk to the girls about modeling. Jaqi felt that seven was a lucky number especially for the twins because, for one, they were born on July 7 (7/7), and they turned seven years old in 2017! When she and her husband introduced the idea of modeling to the twins, both Ava and Leah immediately agreed! Relying on the luck of the number seven turned out to be a great investment!
The Start of Something New
Mommy Jaqi knew it was the right time because the twins loved being the center of attention while growing up. So to start their modeling career, they had to compile a portfolio to present to modeling agencies. They took up a small project in their own neighborhood to initiate the start of their career — a neighbor was in dire need of child models to promote her pop-up boutiques. Jaqi, being a resourceful woman, managed this first photo shoot with an old camera and took the pictures herself.
The Aftermath of their First Photo Shoot
After viewing their photos for their neighbor's promotional materials, Ava and Leah were pleased with how everything turned out and used them for their portfolio. Ava and Leah were ecstatic with their first experience posing in front of the camera, more so because their mom was 100% supportive about it. The twins seemed to enjoy this first little project more than their swimming and dancing lessons!
Planning Their Next Move
Immediately after the first successful photo shoot, the mother of three decided to reach out to agents and potential clients. She was looking for a modeling agency which would promote the kids to big corporate houses. The twins were also eager to start their modeling career professionally. They simply loved posing in front of the camera and having a lot of fun! While other kids their age were busy playing under the sun, Ava and Leah were planning their next move to achieve stardom! They were still two normal kids who were in the pink of health but they already had big dreams for their future.
The Offers Came Pouring In
Jaqi kept her fingers crossed, wishing and hoping that one or two agencies would see the potential in her gorgeous daughters and accept their portfolio. Her hopes were soon answered, and to the delight of the entire family, almost every agency that Jaqi had contacted had shown interest in roping in the twins for their upcoming projects. They were eager to meet the adorable twins, and soon after, Ava and Leah were able to create a steady stream of earnings. Mommy Jaqi was literally overwhelmed by the response!
Why Are They So Popular?
Their mesmerizing eyes, combined with their soft features and charming smiles, were perhaps the reason why they were welcomed wholeheartedly in the modeling circuit for children. That's not to say that other child models aren't adorable, but Ava and Leah have certain chemistry together in front of the camera. Modeling seemed to come naturally to them, and they rocked each project they received. They're barely even in their teens and yet they already have earnings of their own!
Jaqi Chose Two Agencies
As a sea of offers came pouring in, Jaqi had a hard time choosing one from the lot. Ultimately, she decided to stick to two modeling agencies that would represent the twins. One of these agencies has their headquarters in LA and the second one was based in Orange County. Jaqi initially thought that since the agencies are located in different regions, there would be no conflict between them. However, things didn’t fall in order, and she soon felt the need for the intervention of a lawyer.
The Battle of the Two Agencies
The conflict between the two agencies escalated quickly, and things became complicated for momma Jaqi. One of the agencies managed to get an audition for the twins for a Barbie doll campaign, but the second agency got the same audition only a few days later. The twins couldn't do anything to deal with this kind of an adult problem, and Jaqi was doing her best to come up with a compromise. However, the situation only worsened, and Jaqi was left with no choice but to consult an attorney to resolve the matter.
Jaqi Remained Honest
However, Jaqi ultimately decided not to drag the matter to court because it might only cause stress and further delay the career of Ava and Leah. Instead, she decided to disclose everything to both agencies. She explained to both agencies why she wants her kids to be represented by both of them. She wanted to enter a long-term and symbiotic business relationship with both. Of course, she had to work it all out on her own and both the agencies finally agreed to resolve the matter without involving an attorney.
The Girls Started To Garner Instagram Fame
The twins were getting constant public and media attention, thanks to the excellent efforts made by the modeling agencies. Jaqi wanted to step up her game and decided to launch an Instagram account for her girls. She opened an account on Instagram with the handle @clementstwins. Their profile soon caught the attention of thousands of Instagram users. Within only three months, the account managed to get one thousand followers, and Ava and Leah soon became extremely popular on the social media platform. The number of followers quickly rose to 3000, and that was just the beginning. Jaqi could have easily monetized the Instagram account and fill up her bank account with loads of money!
The Image Quality Was Excellent
At first, Jaqi would snap adorable pics of her kids and upload them on Instagram. Soon, she realized that the images needed a pro touch and hired a professional photographer to do the job with the utmost professionalism. The quality of the images was drastically improved, and this played a key role in attracting even more people. After this wise investment on their mom's part, Ava and Leah got 12K more followers in only one week, and when Jaqi started to upload images more frequently, the number of followers reached 25K!
The Twins Conquered Instagram
Instagram users soon fell in love with the adorable kids and their mesmerizing beauty — so much so that various users started to re-post Ava and Leah's photos more frequently. Jaqi didn’t even think that her kids would become Instagram stars within a few weeks. But it happened, all thanks to Jaqi’s investment in professional photography. In fact, the twins were even featured on accounts with more than nine million followers. That was massive! It gave their career an even bigger boost which is something that most Instagram influencers struggle to achieve.
The Twins Factor
As mentioned before, Mommy Jaqi's wise investment in hiring a professional photographer paid off big time when it came to drawing the attention of the crowd to the twins' Instagram account. But aside from this, what were the other reasons behind the tremendous popularity of the kids on Instagram? It goes without saying that they are good-looking kids, and they definitely exude a certain charm that it's hard not to notice them. But it is perhaps the fact that they are twins who model together that has led them to the kind of success that they have now. People love looking at twins, especially if they are beautiful. It's easy to see why their follower count skyrocketed to 700,000 in just months! And now, the twins have a whopping 1.3 million followers!
The Weekend Photo Sessions
Jaqi was really fortunate to get the help of her neighbors. Remember the neighbor who gave the kids their first major break in modeling? Well, this time, that same neighbor turned into a Good Samaritan and provided the mother of three with fashionable clothes for their weekend photo sessions. What did she get in return? A chance to promote her business for free with the lovely photos of two budding models wearing the dresses she sells. Isn’t it amazing? This way, both parties didn’t have to break their bank accounts. On sunny weekends, Jaqi does all the photo sessions instead of a pro photographer to spend some quality time with her kids.
Clever Tricks
It takes a lot of effort to make someone an Instagram celebrity. Jaqi, a loving parent of three kids, made use of some clever tricks to give something new to the numerous followers of her kids' Instagram account. She didn’t want the Instagram pics to be boring and monotonous. So she brainstormed for creative ideas to keep things fresh and new. She often changes the hairstyle and makeup of the twins between photo sessions. Of course, she doesn’t apply anti-aging products on her kids, but she always makes it a point to use the best makeup products for kids.
People Are Completely Bowled Over
Since the kids don attractive outfits and their hairstyle changes with every photo shoot, their followers never get bored. Instead, whenever Jaqi uploads a new pic, she now gets tons of comments aside from thousands of likes. Followers have expressed their awe at how beautiful Ava and Leah are, and they wait eagerly for new pics to be uploaded. Up until now, Jaqi has never failed to disappoint the followers of the page. We guess her earnings from the Instagram account have increased manifold.
A Plethora of Offers Keep Coming
The twins are so popular on the social networking site that top agencies have started to follow their profiles. The girls have even started to win contracts with top children’s dresses brands and fashion magazines. We are quite sure that Jaqi and the kids won’t face bankruptcy in the foreseeable future, and the credit goes to momma Jaqi who supported them from the very beginning. These two can certainly give any model a run for their money!
Their Demand Is Increasing
Want to know exactly how popular the Clements twins are at this moment? Well, back in 2017, the twins had six projects in just one week! Undoubtedly, the demand for the twins is ever increasing, and there’s no sign that their popularity would dwindle. The kids must be super busy doing one photo session after another for different projects, traveling to and from agency offices and handling all the pressure that comes with fame. But we're sure that their doting mom ensures that they're in the best of health at all times.
Ava and Leah Are Easy To Get Along With
Ever since they worked as models for the neighborhood store, the kids have barely got the time to unwind themselves. Of course, they get their necessary breaks in between photo sessions and projects, but we think the twins must be stressed by the fame that they have garnered at a young age. However, nothing could take away the charm and friendliness from the twins. According to Jaqi, they love to meet new people and are extremely easy to get along with. Whenever they meet new people, they become friends with them, irrespective of their age. Despite the pressure of fame, the twins surely know how to handle themselves properly. In fact, we think that the way they live a normal lifestyle despite being huge celebrities is commendable.
The First Catwalk
The twins haven’t just appeared on magazine covers and different commercials, but they have also officially started walking the ramp. They made their first appearance on the ramp in February last year, and we heard that they quite enjoyed every bit of it. By doing such a big project, Ava and Leah have boosted their careers on a whole new level. Walking on the ramp is something that every model aspires to do, and the twins have already accomplished that despite being so young! Great going!
Going Solo
As twins, Ava and Leah are almost inseparable — their closeness is reflected in their Instagram posts. However, there have been instances of one of the twins going solo for advertising or promotional campaigns. Jaqi knows that every opportunity for the kids is precious, and she never lets an opportunity slip away. For instance, Leah Rose, one of the twins, appeared on the cover of a kids’ magazine in September 2017. Jaqi certainly knows how to build wealth gradually, and strategically!
They Stick Together Almost Always
Anybody who follows the Clements twins on Instagram would be able to recognize the companionship and closeness that the twin sisters share. Although each of the sisters has developed a unique identity, they seem to have a reciprocal relationship. They do a lot of photo sessions together, go to auditions together, and love to spend time together. We bet the happy family won’t need any sort of relationship counseling because they've managed to build a bond strong enough to keep their relationship fruitful and loving.
Musical Road Trips
As you can assume, the girls need to travel a lot as they have to go to places for photo shoots and auditions. It seems that the twins have a good taste in music, and whenever they go on a road trip, they make it a point to compile various road trip songs. Not only that, but they also sing along the songs during these long road trips. Jaqi always makes sure that her kids are safe and comfortable throughout the trip, so they can just sing care-free and have fun during road trips. That’s so adorable!
An Onslaught of Negative Comments
As you already know, the girls are extremely popular on Instagram. While the girls may have thousands of adoring fans from around the globe, there are still some people who want to spread hate, even to kids like Ava and Leah! The girls often get trolled on Instagram, and there are abusive people who leave negative comments. Although the positive comments outnumber the negative ones, we think this is grossly insensitive. The negative remarks vary from nonsensical comments to serious abuses. It's rather surprising that hateful people would bully such young girls — this is the other side of fame that the Clements family has to deal with on a daily basis.
Why Do They Look Sad?
How insensitive people can be when it comes to commenting on the Instagram profiles of kids? It seems some people have no sense of decency as they often leave crass remarks on the pics of the twin sisters. The most common negative comment that the adorable twins get on Instagram is that they don’t look happy on some of the pictures. They simply forget that the kids need to purposely look serious for some fashion shots. The facial expression of a model depends a lot on the photographer and the overall brand itself.
They Look Completely Natural
You will often come across photos of kids on Instagram wearing heavy makeup. This is not the case for the Clements twins who often appear for photo shoots with little or no makeup at all. We think it’s Jaqi who doesn’t want the kids to wear heavy makeup. The girls look all natural and fresh in their photos on Instagram. Sometimes, they just wear a bit of lip gloss, blush, or a different hairstyle to spice things up a bit. We just love the way they appear in the photos. So adorable!
At The End of The Day, They Are Normal Kids
Most kids would find it extremely difficult to handle so much pressure. Had Jaqi not been by their side, they would have found all the fame just too much to handle. Thankfully, their mother always tries to ensure that the kids are not missing out the fun of childhood. The kids are growing up just like any other American kid. They attend school regularly, make friends, and take dancing and swimming classes. Modeling is just that fun thing they do from time to time — it's certainly a part of their lifestyle, but they don't allow the fame to get to their heads.
They Love Modeling
Usually, kids don’t like it when they are thrown into the limelight. However, the Clements twins are special in many ways. The kids simply love modeling, and we think that’s a big advantage for their mother, Jaqi, who is understandably pretty busy handling many agencies and taking care of their insurance plans. They don’t just enjoy what they are doing, but they also love to take up new challenges that come with modeling. According to Jaqi, Ava and Leah love receiving freebies from companies and agencies!
Modeling Even Runs in the Family
Chase Robert, the older brother of Ava and Leah, is also a child model who has everything in him to become a successful model in the future. Chase has already been handed out a contract by the same agency that works with her sisters, and we believe it’s just a matter of time before the kid emerges as a successful male model. One thing’s for sure — with so many successful models in the family, they can easily enjoy a wonderful lifestyle with the kind of money they have earned!
Chase Robert's Rise to Fame
Even though Chase is a relatively new model, he has already started getting a huge fan following on Instagram. Although he has not reached as much fame as his twin sisters have attained, the dashing young model has no less than twelve thousand new Instagram followers which is impressive in itself! Guess who manages his Instagram account? It’s the same person who takes care of their life insurance plans – their mom, Jaqi.
But Mommy Jaqi Steals The Show
Sometimes, mommy Jaqi also joins in the fun of photo shoot sessions with her girls. For them, it's certainly a great way to keep their bond strong and stay closer to each other. If you see Jaqi and the kids together, you will see where Ava and Leah get their looks from — mommy Jaqi is a complete stunner! How does she maintain her drop dead gorgeous looks with the stress of managing her children's careers? Share us your anti-aging tricks, Jaqi!
Mom Jaqi Is A Blogger, Too
Mommy Jaqi is apparently a multitasker as she doesn’t just manage the Instagram page and all the insurance plans for her kids, but she also makes time to write blog posts about Ava and Leah regularly. She often writes at length about their modeling career and often sheds light on how to handle the peer and media pressure in the modeling industry, especially for children. We are all ears, momma Jaqi!
Ava and Leah Have Their Own YouTube Channel
Leveraging on the fame and recognition they had already garnered through their amazing photos, Leah Rose and Ava Marie launched their own YouTube channel. In January 2018, they started a new chapter in their lives with this new venture in their career. The purpose of their channel is to share healthy and tasty snack recipes. Of course, their mother helps them in preparing the food, but it is a sight for sore eyes to see these two beautiful girls teaching us what to cook. However, it was their music video made with clippings of their pictures and videos that got the most views - over 10,000 in total! It is a good idea though and will be a great career investment for the little girls!
The Mom-Dad Duo Embraced Full Time Traveling
With all three of their children running from one place to another because of their busy photo shooting schedules, Kevin and Jaqi decided to make traveling their full-time job. As parents, they needed to be around their children to take care of and look after them. Their children also felt more assured having them around, hence this was the best possible situation to make things work out. It kept them both worry-free, and they have embraced this new lifestyle, making the most out of traveling for shoots and auditions. After all, they must be so proud of their children's achievements!
Their Father Is Their Fitness Inspiration
Though parents Kevin and Jaqi are totally involved in their children's career, their father Kevin is actually a swimming coach by profession. He used to be the coach for Maryland, LSU, and USC. He also used to be part of the US national team. It is probably their father who is the reason behind their love for sports and their incredible fitness. The twins certainly look like they're in the best condition in terms of their health, banking on the amount of activity they include in their daily routine. Needless to say, daddy Kevin has a big influence on the pretty little girls!
Their Furry Friend Named Luci
It would be wrong not to mention Leah and Ava's furry friend when talking about their lives. Luci, their absolutely adorable pet, joined the family in September 2017 and has been their companion and playmate ever since. It goes without saying that with all the photo shoots and auditions going on, the girls hardly have any time for other activities. But their love for Luci is so pure and big that despite the time crunch, they do make time for cuddling and playing with Luci. It must be highly rewarding to have a furry friend who loves you unconditionally especially since they have already tasted fame and know the world out there can be quite tough. Having Luci in their lives ensures that they would be able to maintain good mental health amid the pressure of fame.
The Future Is For The Girls To Decide
It must be a huge experience for the twins to have attained fame at such a young age. Needless to say, their career has taken off with a great note, but mom Jaqi has made it quite clear that the girls will have their say when they grow up. Whether they want to pursue with their modeling career or want to change their career stream is totally up to them. As their mother, she will lend her 100% support to whatever they choose to do. We are quite sure though, that having started working at a young age, the twins already have an advantage over others and will be able to amass a good amount of wealth by the time they are adults. That will help them pursue whatever they want to without worrying about money! We can't wait to see what their future might hold!